Professor GD Agarwal (now Swami Gyanswaroop Anand)
Swami chidananda saraswatiji maharaj
RAJ GHAT 18-6-2012
“Save the Yamuna, Stop the Pollution!”
Subject: YAMUNA MAHOTASAV - 2012
Hon’ble Madam /Sir,
We would like to apprise you that our
organization - Youth Fraternity Foundation – is engaged in dissuading people
from throwing flowers and other sacred waste material into the river Yamuna and
persuading them not to pollute it.
For this purpose, we have
developed a system, in consonance with the sentiments of the public, for door-to-door
collection, recycling and disposal of the said waste material, which is totally
free of cost.
As part of this mission, we have also been celebrating YAMUNA
MAHOTASAV- 2012, in the National Capital Territory of Delhi, since 31st March,
2012, coinciding with the auspicious Navratri period.
This festival will
continue for 221 days, till 15th Oct, 2012.
Our volunteers daily
go to the ITO bridge over the river Yamuna and persuade the people against
dumping the said waste material in it.
Our volunteers
request the people to avoid such a practice and instead avail our alternative
collection and recycling system.
For this collection
and recycling, we have made a specially-designed "kalash" which is a
collection-pot for the said sacred waste.
We are also collecting
the said sacred waste from temples, gurudwaras and mosques, so that this waste neither
reaches the river nor ends up in garbage dumps.
After collecting the
said sacred waste, we separate the plastic and non-biodegradable part, and
recycle the organic part which mostly contains flowers, ashes, food items etc,
by composting.
In order to ensure more
public participation in this movement, we also perform street plays in various
parts of Delhi.
Apart from spreading the
message to save the holy river Yamuna from pollution, we are also persuading
the ignorant people against indulging in female infanticide.
It is, therefore, most
humbly and respectfully requested that you may kindly extend your benign blessings,
whole-hearted support, cooperation and contribution to this noble movement.
With best regards,
(Gopi Dutt Aakash)
President ,
Youth Fraternity Foundation
Mobile: 98185-92979